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07 Science: Earth Resources

Year 7 Science

This guide supports the Outcomes of this topic, specifically:

  • WS5.1 Students identify data to be collected in an investigation by:

b  proposing the type of information and data that needs to be collected in a range of investigation types, including first-hand and secondary sources [N] [CCT]

c  locating possible sources of data and information, including secondary sources, relevant to the investigation [CCT] [L]

  • WS9 Students communicate by using a recognised method to acknowledge sources of data and information [L]

Please ask or email Mrs Keighery for individual assistance. 

The Web of Information

Secondary sources: find journal articles

Secondary Sources: Academic journals or magazines 

Articles from periodical or journals is referred to as 'Journal literature' and it's the key source of information for the Sciences. Journal articles provide valid, reliable and up-to-date information on your topic.

Use Science in Context to find academic journal articles. 

Secondary Sources

What's a database?

TIPS for searching Science in Context and other databases


  1. Use concrete and neutral words: a keyword. No phrases - unless it's a term, then use quotes.
  2. Use one in a search box.
    Use the Advanced Search page to separate keywords into multiple boxes.
  3. Not finding what you want? Use synonyms, other keywords.
  4. Use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) and truncation (*) to expand and narrow results. 
  5. Use FILTERS / limiters on the left-hand.
  6. Choose a field from the drop-down menu next to the search box to narrow results.
  7. Search for your keyword in the title

Secondary Sources: Online Britannica Encyclopedia

Secondary Sources: Reference encyclopedia