This guide supports your assessment tasks' Outcomes to develop skills in:
Please ask or email Mrs Keighery for individual assistance.
Articles from periodical or journals is referred to as 'Journal literature'. Journal literature is the main source of information for the Sciences. Journal articles provide valid, reliable and up-to-date information on your topic.
Explora is HIGHLY recommended as you can search across 7 databases including content drawn from Australian magazines, journals and newspapers.
When you are at home, you'll need to access Explora & Science Reference Source via this linked LIbrary Canvas Page. |
Use ths resource for factual information about your species.
catalogue |
catalogue | online eResources |
Find books and other published material in the State Library of NSW catalogue. This catalogue also includes ebooks.
Online eResources
New South Wales residents can access an extensive range of eResources from anywhere, anytime with a Library card or a registered NSW public library card.
Suggested databases: