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12 Biology

Year 12 Biology

Year 12: Biology 

This guide supports your assessment tasks' Outcomes to develop skills in applying the processes of Working Scientifically

  • BIO11/12-3 conducts investigations to collect valid and reliable primary and secondary data and information. 
  • BIO11/12-5 analyses and evaluates primary and secondary data and information 
  • BIO11/12-6 solves scientific problems using primary and secondary data, critical thinking skills and scientific processes 

Please ask or email Mrs Keighery for individual assistance. 

Secondary Sources: Reference encyclopedia

Secondary Sources: Academic journals or magazines 

Articles from periodical or journals is referred to as 'Journal literature' and it's the primary source of information for the Sciences. Journal articles provide valid, reliable and up-to-date information on your topic.


Use Use The Science Reference Centre onTrial  to find academic journal articles. 





Access Willoughby Library's collection

  • Use the catalogue to find books.

State Library of NSW

catalogue   |   online eResources

Find books and other published material in the State Library of NSW catalogue. This catalogue also includes ebooks.

Online eResources

New South Wales residents can access an extensive range of eResources from anywhere, anytime with a Library card or a registered NSW public library card

Suggested databases: 

Proquest Science 

Search Google Scholar


  • Google Scholar is an immense database of scholarly literature and includes PUBMED ( the free version of the medical database, Medline). 
  • Regard the Cited by number. This indicates how many times the article was cited in other authors articles and provides a link to those articles
  • A high cited by number can be indication of the veracity fo the information