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Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering

This guide is designed to help you find and use information to support your assessment.  If you need help, please ask. Contact me Mrs Keighery Or just drop into the library, before school, recess, lunch or after school and JUST ASK, we are here to help you.

Use Books for Product Development history

Search for books in our library via the library catalogue

Search Willoughby Library.

LOOK GOOD: your bibliography - an important detail

Show your audience you care about the quality of the information you used and present it in the required scholarly format.

Appropriate images used ( Assessment criteria)


A Yanos is a large communal house where up to 400 Yanomami live. The central area is used for activities such as rituals, feasts and games.

Select images which add information or support your text. 

1. Give the image a meaningful label or description.
2. Include the image's full bibliographical details on your bibliography. Images are an important source of information and correctly acknowledging their author shows the reader that you have considered the value of the source.  


USE the College's Online Reference Generator to correctly reference IMAGES. 

The above image would appear on your Bibliography as,

Berwick, D 2016A YanosPhotographSurvival, accessed 6 May 2016, <>.

P3.3 applies graphics as a communication tool

Limit your google image search, for example, limit to black and white line drawings.

Check out Russell Stannard's videos which show you "how to narrow down your Google image searches to help you find the picture you need more easily, helping you better understand one of this essential online tool. You can learn to filter searches by image format, size, colour, its usage rights, and even how recently it was uploaded to the web".

Similarly, you can limit your search in databases Science Reference Centre and Australian and New Zealand Reference Centre ( on your Portal page, Senior Library tab)

Search outside "the google" box

Try your keywords in resources on your Portal page, Senior Library tab:

1. Britannic School HIGH ed. or World Book Encyclopedia  ( great for product history / background)

1. Science Reference Centre

2. Australian and New Zealand Reference Centre

Or try, Google Scholar

Google - Smart!

Use authoritative sources, LIMIT your keyword search by EDU or GOV

For example, 

How to avoid 'Death by Powerpoint' BBC Jane Wakefield reports

Aaron Weyenberg who makes slide decks for TED says "

  • Think about your slides last
  • Create a consistent look and feel
  • Avoid slides with lots of text
  • Use simple photos that enhance meaning
  • Use storytelling
  • Have a focused message that you want your audience to retain