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08 World Religions

08 World Religions

From the Web

Websites featuring all religions. 


Baha'i followers of the light. 2003. ClickView video. Duration: 34 min. 

This Compass documentary looks at how some of the relatively small Australian Bahai communities live out their faith.

Daoism |Taosim

Taoist are also known as Daoists



Inside a SIKH Gurdwara. 2019. ClickView video. Duration: 7 min. 

What is a guru? Why do gurdwaras have four doors? What food is served during services? Explore these questions and more by tracing the history of Sikhism and looking at the rituals that serve as expressions of faith.

What is Vaisakhi? 2020. ClickView video. Duration: 3:17 min. 

The BTN Explainers program introduces the audience to Australian Sikh kids to find out more about Sikhism & the Vaisakhi festival.

Library eBooks on Buddhism

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Library eResource - Britannica School

Library eResource - Britannica School

Library eResource - Britannica School

Library eResource - Britannica School