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Book Week: Magic Tricks

Magic Tricks

What Is Magic?

Magic is an intellectual performing art in which the artists convinces audience that it has witnessed seemingly impossible feats, using natural means.  There is nothing paranormal or supernatural about magic tricks—magicians achieve illusions through practiced deception.  It is a form of acting in which the artist presents one reality to the audience member, hiding another reality-actions that only they are aware of. 

Magic has many forms, and every magician brings their own particular style and worldview to their routine. However, a number of tried and tested illusions down have been passed down from generation to generation of magicians, who use them in both isolation and in various combinations. Continue reading from Masterclass Articles

Types of Magic

Magicians, like professionals in other fields, can develop as general practitioners or as specialists. A generalist must be accomplished in many types of magic and able to perform in diverse venues. General magic practitioners might do close-up magic at tables in a restaurant, produce illusions on stage at a fair, perform comedy magic for a club or service organization, and entertain at a children’s party — all in the same week. Other magicians cultivate expertise in one or two specific types of magic. For example, an entertainer who specializes in manipulation generally develops one act to perform all the time. Specialists also design their acts to execute in specific locations. A mentalist might read minds at a university or corporate conference, but likely would not attempt the same at a children’s show. An illusionist, on the other hand, could not make an elephant disappear at a small restaurant table and instead designs the act for large theaters or spacious outdoor venues that are equipped with a stage, theatrical curtains, and lighting. Continue reading from American Museum of Magic

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