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Reading: Deborah Abela


Deborah Abela

Books By Deborah Abela

Author - Deborah Abela.


Deborah Abela is an amazing writer of many books such as Grimsdon. She knew she wanted to be a writer at 7 years old. 

Her thoughtful idea to create this mysterious, fantasy, caring story was inspired by her favourite book 'The Lorax' (written by Dr. Seuss) which is about what happens when we don't take care of our planet and that is what  Deborah was aiming for in her book Grimsdon.

Deborah started writing at a very young age of 7 and read her stories out loud to people. She gave her stories out as presents. 
She likes writing books because "it's like travelling without leaving home" quoted by Deborah.

When Deborah Abela was writing the book 'Grimsdon', she was thinking about governments around the world who are not taking care of the planet.

'Grimsdon' is about a group of children who have lost their parents in the flooded city so they have been looking after each other for quite some time. They have been going fine with their plans, tactics and fighting skills to survive until a newcomer arrives and tries to help them. During their journey, they unlock many secrets; sea monsters, flying machines, sneaker waves .... 

Deborah Abela has won many awards for her books: GHOST Club, The Remarkable Secret of Aurelie Bonhoffen, Max Remy Superspy series and of course her book Grimsdon.


Deb talks about Grimsdom

Deb talks about New City

Deb talks about Final Storm

Grimsdon Trilogy By Deborah Abela


Grimsdon is in ruins Three years ago a massive wave broke its barriers and the sea flooded this grand city Most were saved, some were lost - and some were left behind Isabella Charm and her best friend, Griffin, live with three other children in the top of an opulent mansion They've survived with the help of Griffin's brilliant inventions, Isabella's fighting skills and their vow to look after each other But what will happen when a newcomer arrives in his flying machine?

New City

A new city offers a new life - but what kind of life will Isabella and her friends find? Isabella and her friends are nervous about what they'll find in the New City. It's inland and it's dry - far from the flooded city they've just left. Will their lives here be as luxurious and carefree as Xavier says? In fact, bleak, uncertain times have brought darkness and danger to New City. The city has been divided in two: the citizens who have, and those who the ruling Major General says have come to steal from them - the refugees who have fled the rising waters, who are imprisoned in a camp on the edge of the city. The kids of Grimsdon once faced sea monsters and evil harbour lords, but now they face new threats. From freakish weather events that whip up with little warning to the fierce misinformation that swirls around the city to the theft of their freedom, now they face the prison-like restrictions and control of the New City. Unlike the refugees, they're heralded as heroes. But what does the Major General really want from them?

Final Storm

Isabella and her friends have settled into life in New City, attending school and making new friends--including the charming, talented, and eminently humble Aleksander Larson. Isabella quickly finds herself leaning on Aleksander's friendship, a move that distances her friends, particularly Xavier. Meanwhile, the world's weather patterns are becoming increasingly erratic, and the Bureau of Weather and Climate has been failing to predict severe weather events--a failure that endangers the lives of those in New City and plunges the city into rumor and doubt. As a massive storm of ice and snow sets in, it seems the New City can no longer be the safe home its inhabitants need. As friendships, politics, and the weather become increasingly unstable, Isabella, Griffin, Xavier, and their friends must decide where their loyalties lie, face that which seems too good to be true, and once again save this new city they've decided to call their home.