What is St Pius' referencing style?
Your information sources should be given as citations formatted in APA 7th Edition; this is the College preferred style for all subjects. The College's online citation generator, Citemaker, helps you create citations in this format.
Use these pages to help you make a bibliography for your assessment task:
Using Citemaker
What is plagiarism?
NESA defines plagiarism as
" when you pretend that you have written or created a piece of work that someone else originated. It is cheating, it is dishonest, and it could jeopardise your HSC exam results."
NSW Education Standards Authority, 2017
Examples of plagiarism include:
How can I avoid plagiarism?
Acknowledge all sources of information NOT created by you, this includes:
Another person’s ideas, speech, information or research
All image or graphical sources, such as graphs, illustrations or photographs
Paraphrasing or summarising of another person’s spoken or written words
What's the difference between quoting, summarising and paraphrasing?
Why shouldn’t I plagiarise?
How can I acknowledge my information sources?
Acknowledge all sources used in creating an assignment by including a bibliography.